Instead of selling candy and gift wrap, we hold an annual Read-a-thon as our main school fundraiser. Our Read-a-thon is always a huge success, raising a great deal of money that directly benefits our school! Our PTSO and staff, once again hope to enhance students' love of reading and their overall reading skills while helping raise money for our school. There will be tons of incentives and prizes for all who participate. Packets and information will be given to parents at Curriculum Night.
Jerimiah's Italian Ice
In partnership with our Brisas PTSO, delicious Italian ice treats from Jerimiah's will be available for purchase immediately following school dismissal on Wednesday during the month of August up until fall break, and then again in April. A percentage of sales are donated back to Brisas School.
Take Out Tuesdays
Our PTSO is excited to announce our "Take Out Tuesday" event. Each month, our PTSO will hold one or two Take Out Tuesday events at various restaurants near Brisas. Take Out Tuesday will be held at some of your favorite restaurants, such as Cafe Zupa, Peter Piper Pizza, Raising Canes and many more. This is a great opportunity and easy way to support our Brisas school.
Box Tops
Clip and save Box Tops from General Mills products and bring them to school to be redeemed for money for Brisas. Qualifying Box Tops have "Box Tops for Education" printed near the name of the cereal or the product. Look for information to be sent home with your child, or visit the Box Tops Website. Your child's class could win a special prize for collecting the most Box Tops in the school! All Box Tops will be collected at the end of each month. To make it easier for students to collect, count, and turn-in Box Tops, please print this Box Tops Collection Sheet and have your student simply tape or glue the Box Tops in groups of 10. Click HERE for a list of participating Box Tops products.
Fry's Grocery Stores
Please help our school raise funds while doing your everyday shopping as usual. All you need to do is link your frequent shopper cards for Fry’s to Brisas, and they will send us a portion of the sales. Fry’s is pleased to office their “COOL CA$H” Earning for Learning Program. This program is part of their on-going commitment to our schools, our children and our educational process. Fry’s has worked hard to make this program easy for parents to participate. By having our school’s barcode & your V.I.P Card linked together, every purchase you make will be automatically deposited into our school’s account. Once the school reaches $50,000 in spending, Fry's will send our PTSO a check for $500.
Chandler Fashion Center
This year, Brisas will be participating in the Chandler Fashion Center program for schools known as School Cents. Just bring by any receipts spent at or in the nearby stores of Chandler Fashion Center to guest services and log them for Brisas. Even food receipts will help us win the money that is so generously donated to the winning schools.
eScrip and hundreds of participating merchant partners have created a system that rewards customer loyalty by contributing a percentage of purchases to our school. You shop the way you like to shop for groceries, clothing, travel and entertainment. It’s simple and convenient, and benefits the Geckos! Just log onto and enter 6659815 for our group ID. Register your Safeway Card (renew annually with one click) as well as your debit, ATM and credit cards. It is that simple! While on the website you can view a full list of participating merchants by clicking on ‘about the program’, then click ‘family of merchants’. Start shopping!
Effective May 14, 2016, Target ended their Take Charge of Education (TCOE) program. Target was able to donate more than $460 million to more than 120,000 schools across the country during their TCOE program. Thank you for participating!
If you have questions about any of our school’s fundraising efforts, please contact our Fundraising Coordinator at