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(480) 541-2001


(480) 541-2001

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities
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PTSO appreciates the time you are able to volunteer. Please review the Brisas Volunteer Form and let us know which events you would like to assist with.  Forms can be returned to the front office or you can e-mail your name and areas of interest to, attention Volunteer Coordinators.  Whether you are volunteering for one hour at a single event or for every event, we understand how valuable your time is and we thank you in advance.  We look forward to seeing you!


Below are a few of the many opportunities people have to volunteer at Brisas:
When:  During school hours; year-round
What:   Present art prints to your child's class and talk about the artists and their style of painting.  Materials and training provided. 
Book Fair
When:  During school hours and in conjunction with an evening event; twice a year in the fall and spring
What:   Library fundraiser selling books to students. 
Library Services
When:  During school hours; year-round
What:   The library needs help getting books back on the shelves when they are returned.
Ice Cream Social & Cake Walk
When:  Evening event; during the month of September
What:   Scoop a super sundae, help out at the cake walk, and enjoy the company of other Brisas families!
Lost and Found
When:  Before, during or after school hours; year-round
What:   Our "lost & found" bin is located in the hallway outside the office.  Periodically, unclaimed items are donated to charity. 
Pumpkin Walk & Bake Sale
When:  Evening event; during the month of October
What:   Fun family night with bake sale and display of hundreds of jack-o-lanterns carved by students. 
Turkey Trot
When:  During school hours; during the month of November
What:   Kids and families run or walk a mile course around the school grounds.
Decades Dance
When:  Evening event; during the month of January
What:   Fun evening for the whole family.  Dress up, dance to different decade music, eat dinner and snacks, and socialize with Brisas families. 
Field Days
When:  During school hours; during the month of March
What:   Kids have fun participating in several different PE activities.
Staff Meals
When:  Evening event; twice a year in October and March
What:   Meals are provided to teachers one evening during each parent-teacher conference window.
Spring Carnival
When:  Evening event; during the month of April
What:   Fun evening for the whole family.  Volunteers needed at various games, food booths, bouncies, etc.
Staff Appreciation
When:  During and after school hours; during the month of May
What:   Help provide staff with small tokens of appreciation each day of the week.
When:  During or after school hours; year-round
What:   Grade level coordinators needed to assist the yearbook chairperson.
When:  During or after school hours; year-round
What:   Assist teachers with copying, laminating, etc.  Materials and training on the workroom equipment provided.