Student Activities
Our school is structured to educate the whole child meeting varied needs of students through extended opportunities for all students to excel, in academics as well as in nonacademic areas.
Brisas students have opportunities beyond the classroom to apply learning to real-world situations:
SPARK Club recognizes students for excellence in academic achievement, leadership, and service. SPARK stands for Service, Philanthropy, application, Recognition, and Kindness. These exemplary students apply leadership skills by conducting school tours, maintaining our recycling efforts, serving as Kindergarten and 1st Grade Ambassadors, and conducting service projects to help others in need.
· Student Council has a student representative from each 3rd-5th grade class. Officers are elected from within the membership of Student Council. These student leaders meet monthly to discuss important school events and ways they can give back to the community, including the purchase of benches and playground equipment for our campus. In addition to organizing food drives to aide Kyrene families and volunteering at school events. Our Student Council also collaborates to share students' ideas, interests, and concerns with peers, teachers and school principals. Co-sponsors for this program are Ms. Noppenberg and Ms. Koshick.
· Gecko Gazette Newspaper began in 2011 after two sisters suggested starting a school newspaper for students’ voices to be heard. This program provides a platform for students to express their ideas and creativity while keeping the school up to date with the latest and upcoming school events, movies, and /or books. It empowers students to showcase their writing skills and voice their thoughts and opinions. Brainstorming and producing a school newspaper provides students with valuable experience in collaboration and teamwork while building self-confidence. Gecko Gazette meets monthly and is responsible for writing and distributing a quarterly newspapers throughout the school year. Co-sponsors for this program are Mrs. Carr and Miss. Crain.
In support of our Vision, we also offer extended learning activities that inspire students to love learning and empower students to reach their potential, including Brisas Mallet Masters, Gecko Cheer, Lunchtime Intramurals, ABC Mentoring Program, Brisas Spelling Bee, etc.
We also have hundreds of students enroll in our tuition-based after school
Youth Enrichment classes, which include Young Rembrandts, Los Ninos Spanish, Soccer Shots, Chess, Nerding, Reach Basketball and so much more. To learn more about
Youth Enrichment, please click
We also offer an after school childcare program called
Kids Club. This program offers students a fun and safe place to go after school until 6:00 PM.
Learn more about Kids Club
Kids Night Out events are also offered throughout the year; on select Friday nights, kids come come to Brisas for some fun while parents have a night out.
Learn more about Kids Night Out